What is vaginal rejuvenation?

The term vaginal rejuvenation, or feminine rejuvenation, commonly refers to a noninvasive skin tightening treatment using applied energy at the vagina (inner canal) and vulva (external labia).  Two kinds of “energy” are commonly used – laser or radiofrequency (RF). At La Femme, we utilize the bipolar RF heat energy. This will heat the collagen under the skin and naturally increase new collagen and elastin growth which increase firmness of the skin (think shrink wrap!).

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Aging can take a toll on your feminine health, but our team is here to help. At La Femme Aesthetics LLC, we use an innovative technique known as Votiva to rejuvenate the vaginal area as a way to reduce stress incontinence, promote pelvic floor regeneration, and so much more. When you're ready to regain your sexual confidence, intimate health and aesthetic confidence, you can count on us.

Votiva is a safe and effective treatment for feminine health. Votiva is beneficial for therapeutic use in the treatment of sexual dysfunction or as an adjunct to Kegel exercises (tightening of the muscles of the pelvic floor to increase muscle tone).

Using thermal radio frequencies, we combine gentle volumetric and fractional treatment to address:

  • Vaginal Laxity

  • Stress Incontinence

  • Muscle Regeneration

  • Collagen Replacement

  • Sensitivity Issues

  • Pelvic Floor Regeneration

  • Aesthetic Concerns

  • Bladder or Urinary Leakage

We use a safe radiofrequency method called the Votiva by InMode. Radiofrequency (RF) is an energy type which uses electricity whereas laser uses light energy. In general, RF energy equipment can be used more safely with some patients reporting quicker healing time. RF can also treat all skin color types safely. This is an energy type also used for example for skin tightening of the face to eliminate lines and wrinkles. 

This can be done comfortably in a doctor’s office using a numbing cream. The Votiva procedure uses two devices. The FormaV smooth probe is used on the inner vaginal canal and outer vulva. The FractoraV device is then used only on the outer vulvar skin. The total treatment takes about 30 – 45 minutes. Most women describe a “warmth” sensation but very rarely is there pain.  Three treatments one month apart are recommended though many patients have reported they see and feel some degree of change after one session.

Feminine rejuvenation can treat both the “look” and function of the vagina. Rejuvenation helps treat laxity, excess hanging and asymmetric skin, decreased sensitivity with intercourse, vaginal dryness and minor to moderate stress urinary incontinence. More recently it has also been used for treatment of vulvar skin disorders such as lichen sclerosus.
